Atlantis villa Sanya
  • 城市 : 中国三亚   City : Sanya City, Hainan, China
  • 面积 : 建筑1400m2 景观2500m2   Area : 1400m2
  • 完成日期 : 2021-01-01    Completion Date : 2021-01-01
  • 设计师 : 欧阳毅   Designer : OU-YANG, YI
  • 摄影 : 石梓峰   Photographer : STONEVE
  • 官网/公众号 : 金螳螂 品宅设计院   Website/Official Accounts : Gold Mantis Gallery Design Institute
Atlantis villa Sanya  三亚亚特兰蒂斯别墅
本案位于热带渡假胜地三亚海棠湾的滨海别墅,业主钟情于黑白灰色调,设计上考量如何把热带风情及渡假氛围與冷灰色調结合,打造专属于客户的休憩居所。 黑白的表达方式,相似拍摄黑白照片一般,去除了多余的彩度,就像是一种摄影的滤镜,能突出空间的精髓,阳光,沙滩,海浪,摇晃的绿植型态及淡淡的色泽,让人沉静的感受宁静的氛围。 在空间设计手法上带入黑白摄影的哲学,着重于光影、造型、线条与质感的表现力,透过材质特性与肌理,突显黑白层次变化,结合南方海岛元素,将感知的美学张力与生活的舒适作出完美的结合,丰富空间气韵与独特的专属魅力。
The project is located in a seaside villa in the tropical resort, Haitang Bay Beach, Sanya. The owner’s tastes incline to black, white and gray tones and the design aims to create a restful sanctuary for all its guests by combining tropical accents with beach holiday atmosphere. Just as a photographic filter is used to remove excessive color, so the black and white themes are meant to recall how black and white photography captures the essence of the space, the sun, the beach, the waves, the green dancing plants, and the fleeting light color touch—just to help people feel calm and relaxed. Similarly, the philosophy and techniques of black and white photography underlie the space design that captures fleeting light, lines, and silhouettes, and reveals the play of light and shadow, shape, lines, and textures, materials, and elements of the southern islands—in order to highlight the space’s unique charm and perfect combination—enriched by the cognitive aspects aesthetic tension combined with the comforts of life.