Stone Art Museum-SHEERIN Garden
  • 城市 : 中国佛山    City : Foshan, China
  • 面积 : 246㎡   Area : 246㎡
  • 完成日期 : 2023-10-18    Completion Date : 2023-10-18
  • 设计师 : 郑小馆   Designer : Lauren Cheng
  • 摄影 : 重启创意   Photographer : RESSSET CREATIVE
  • 事务所官方工作室名称 : 深点空间设计   Official Name : Point Depth design
  • 官网/公众号 : 深点空间设计   Website/Official Accounts : Point Depth design
Stone Art Museum-SHEERIN Garden  岩美术馆—协锐园
协锐园 造绮梦 山水画卷,浸润心间绮梦。 寻查找觅,造就瑰丽园林。 一园一世界、一板一小品。克制极简、尊贵优雅,也许是对这里最恰当不过的诠释。打破传统岩板展厅的固有模式,以造园的形式,在这个将近有246平米的空间里营造一个专属协锐岩板的沉浸式逛园体验。秩序感的递进场景,层层空间过渡与情感变化展现的淋漓尽致。处之怡然得益于美术馆的灯光,提供视觉、听觉、触觉、嗅觉等五感的实境体验,重新定义岩板新风尚,精心打造的“室内桃源”,入情入境。 祈祷墙 遂心愿 尘世昏昏谁梦醒,唯对自然情独钟。 大自然的鬼斧神工雕琢了神舟大地的旖旎神奇,入园前,一尊名为《祈祷》的女孩雕塑哑然聚焦目光,用整根香樟木雕刻,透过摩天青岩板洞口,看到不仅仅是浑然天成的技艺,更是对生活的美好祈愿。 心如镜湖,源于敬畏。繁华一瞬归于善良本身,那个渴望的模样,在祈祷墙上找到答案。 直前廊 放异彩 岩板渲染直廊道,枕着流光万千。 不拘一格才能长袖善舞,长达15米的廊道,在设计构成上采用协锐新品系列“摩天青”岩板制作成灯柱,云蒸霞蔚万里路,似拥流光万千,在自然光与人造光双重沐浴下,仿佛得到了情绪与心灵上的安抚。 用“摩天银”岩板做地基石,赋予了它新的生命力。移步其中,华丽转身。旭日东升正当时,一份永不畏惧、勇往直前的入世精神油然而生。 知足阁 品竹韵 东方竹韵温雅朴拙,留心不惧岁月荏苒。 从时间薄中探寻到竹子的风韵,沿袭着怡情养性的不变情怀,穿廊达阁,氤氲着久违的气息。阁中葱郁竹影,似真竹化身,巧用“摩天青”岩板制成,清雅柔洁,居尘出尘,东方气韵,皆是美好。胡桃木雕屹中央,光晕漾影听蝉鸣。 屏安亭 忆过往 却是无声遣流年,怡然淡泊皆是安。 一份安静,一份淡泊,一切皆安。屏安谐音如同“平安”,通过摩天青岩板制作的屏风,木雕与烛灯置于屏风内部,异日图将好景,归去凤池夸。身处亭中,时而观赏东方瑰宝,时而观看流水瀑布似画卷,时而品尝人生汲源泉,亦是斜倚窗台抚今追昔。 协锐山 谱旷世 博采天地万物精华,颐养生态自然身心。 名为《协锐山》的“山体”汇聚势能似能将时间凝固,一览纵山小,空间布局上是一个下沉的卡座,通过摩天青岩板切割山体造型工艺,层叠呼应,山体之间灯光闪耀,且听山间弦音。仿佛摒弃世间尘埃,在烟雾弥漫中踱步,竹影摇人心,幽香久相伴,这是一种人与自然的对望、一种敬仰、一种冥想放空的天地,谱写旷世情韵。 一段岁月沉淀,一种魅力绽放。置身“室内桃源”,侧耳听风揽月,领略山水园林,唤醒生活美好,品味出不凡世界。
SHEERIN Garden creates a dream Landscape painting, infiltrating dreams in the heart. Looking for it, creating a magnificent garden. One garden, one world, one board and one sketch. Minimalism, dignity and elegance may be the most appropriate interpretation here. Breaking the inherent mode of the traditional exhibition hall of rock tablets in the past, in the form of gardening, an immersive garden-visiting experience of exclusive SHEERIN rock tablets is created in this space of nearly 246 square meters. The progressive scene of the sense of order, the layer-by-layer spatial transition and emotional changes are vividly displayed. The happiness of the place benefits from the lighting of the art museum, which provides the five senses of reality, such as vision, hearing, touch and smell, redefines the new fashion of rock tablets, and carefully creates an "indoor paradise" to enter the country. Pray for the wall and get what you want. Who wakes up from a dream in the world, but only to nature. Nature's ghostly craftsmanship carved the Shenzhou earth's charming and magical, before entering the park, a sculpture of a girl named "Prayer" mute focus on the eyes, carved with the whole balsam camphor wood, through the mouth of the moat green slate, to see not only natural skill, but also the beautiful prayers for life. The heart is like a lake of mirrors, born of reverence. A moment of prosperity returns to goodness itself, and that longed-for look finds its answer on the prayer wall. Straight Front Porch, Let the Colour Shine Rock slabs render straight corridors, pillowed with streams of light. The 15-metre-long corridor adopts SHEERIN's new series of "Ferris Green" rock slabs as lamp posts in its design, and it seems to embrace thousands of streams of light as it is bathed in both natural and artificial light, as if it has been soothed emotionally and spiritually. The "Ferris Silver" rock slabs are used as the foundation stone, giving it a new lease of life. Step into it, and you'll be transformed. As the sun rises, the spirit of entering the world, never fearing and going forward, is born. Bamboo Rhythm in the Pavilion of Contentment The Oriental bamboo rhyme is elegant and simple, and the heart is not afraid of the passing of the years. From the time to explore the thin bamboo charm, along the unchanging feelings of pleasure and nourishment, through the corridor up to the pavilion, dense with the long-lost breath. Pavilion in the lush bamboo shadow, like a real bamboo incarnation, cleverly used "Motian Qing" made of rock slabs, elegant and soft, living in the dust out of the dust, the Oriental charm, are beautiful. Walnut wood carving stands in the centre, halo shadow listening to cicadas. Ping An Ting, Remembering the Past But it's a silent dismissal of the flow of years, happy and indifferent are all safe. A quietness, a calmness, everything is peaceful. Ping'an is the harmonic sound of "peace", through the screen made of mottled green slate, wood carvings and candle lamps are placed inside the screen, and in the future, the picture will be a good view, and return to the Fengchi boasts. Being in the pavilion, you can enjoy the oriental treasures, watch the flowing waterfalls like a picture scroll, taste the source of life, or recline on the window sill to recall the past. SHEERIN Mountain, the spectrum is outstanding. The essence of all things in heaven and earth is extracted, and the ecological nature of the body and mind is nourished. Named "SHEERIN Mountain" of the "mountain" convergence potential energy seems to be frozen in time, a glimpse of the mountains, the space layout is a sunken card, through the skyscraper green slate cutting mountain modelling process, cascading echoes, the mountain between the lights shining, and listen to the mountain string sound. As if abandoning the dust of the world, pacing in the smoke, bamboo shadow shaking people's hearts, fragrance for a long time, this is a kind of man and nature look at, a kind of veneration, a kind of meditation to let go of the heaven and earth, write a world of love. A period of time precipitation, a kind of charm blooming. Being in the "Indoor Peach Garden", listening to the wind and the moon, enjoying the landscape garden, awakening the beauty of life, and savouring the extraordinary world.