Yuyao Minglu (Model Room)
  • 城市 : 宁波   City : Ningbo
  • 面积 : 370平方米   Area : 370㎡
  • 完成日期 : 2021-08-12    Completion Date : 2021-08-12
  • 设计师 : 胡之乐   Designer : Hu Zhile
  • 摄影 : 郑焰   Photographer : Zheng Yan
  • 官网/公众号 : www.wjstudio.cn / wanjingdesign
Yuyao Minglu (Model Room)  余姚明庐合院样板间
余姚明庐 ,在留有过往痕迹的老房子里,打造出一个抽离于世俗回归本源、兼具现代生活气息与古旧文化韵味的诗意栖息处。生活空间在此重塑,深沉的阳明思想文化在此重生。塑造清醒而独立的生活状态,是关于自我与外物间关系的思考。而家的设计之于生活,如同巢之于鸟,是一天翱翔后的停歇之处。如何塑造出可容纳独立思考又能观察世界的休憩居所,是此项目的探索所在。 一层的会客厅里,既有保留古时气息的花窗,也有规律排布在格子矩阵天花里的灯光照明,宾客可在此处望见窗外的庭院景观,感受古典与现代两者间的相互冲突、融合与叠加。圆形边桌和茶几,穿插在干净简洁的线条感空间里,曲直两种形成对比的元素相互映衬。辅以皮质与毡毛搭配制作而成的椅子,给秩序清晰的空间中增添了活跃感。 步入二层的主卧,在沿袭原有结构形式的坡屋顶之下,是柔软舒适的现代家居空间。浅色调的木饰面和少量金属、玻璃元素,在灯光墙和屋顶灯带的暖光照射下,叠加出素雅而柔和的现代休憩空间。 在地下层的隐秘客厅,空间是流动而连贯的,遍布整个空间的线条感将多样的空间连接起来,家庭成员可以在这里感到相互陪伴、彼此联系又各自独立。从PVC天花板渗透出的柔和光线,覆盖着整个4米层高的空间,让功能不一的多样空间融为一体。客厅里自然而原始的材料运用,与现代而不张扬的材质形成反差。使用粗犷原始的材料的客厅茶几,浅色木板与深色石板拼配而成的墙面,让现代人更能感受到自然的气息,恍若置身于受到庇护的当代原野之中。
The project, built in two old houses with traces of the past, creates a poetic habitat of a modern life with a bit of a lifestyle among traditional Chinese intellectuals, which is free from the mundane details. The living space is reshaped, where Yangming's thought is reborn.A sober and independent lifestyle indicates a reflection on the relationship between the self and external world. The design of a home is to life what a nest is to a bird, it is a place to rest after a long day of "flying". Therefore, how to create a resting place where one can think freely and observe the external world at the same time becomes the focus of the design. The sitting room in the first floor features a mixture of vintage carved windows and lighting embedded in a square grid of the ceiling, where visitors can look out onto the courtyard and enjoy the conflicts, fusion and overlap of the classical and the modern views.Round-shaped side tables and coffee tables are interspersed in a clean, linear space, where the straight and curved lines are set in contrast.The chairs made of leather and felt add a sense of movement to the orderly space. Located under the sloping roof of the original structure, the master room on the second floor is a soft and cozy modern space. The light-toned wood finishes and a few metallic and glass elements, illuminated by the warm wall light and roof light, overlap to create a pure, elegant and calming retreat of modern life. In the underground floor, where the living room is located, the whole space is decorated with lines that link different rooms, where the familymembers can feel companionship, being connected while being independent of one another.The entire 4-meter-high space is filled with gentle light that comes from the PVC ceiling, blending together different spaces.The use of natural and rough materials in the living room makes a striking contrast with the modern materials. For example, the naturalcoffee table, and the walls made of the light-colored wood planks and dark-colored stone slabs make the owner feel a touch of nature, as if hewere in a wilderness of sheltered modern lifestyle.