Venice Cinemas
  • 城市 : 台灣,桃園市   City : Taiwan, Taoyuan city
  • 面积 : 1983.48 sqm
  • 完成日期 : 2021-02-26    Completion Date : 2021-02-26
  • 设计师 : 湯士頡   Designer : Tang Shih Chieh
  • 摄影 : Andy
  • 官网/公众号 :
Venice Cinemas  威尼斯影城
自公司名稱「威尼斯」發想,結合場域位於地下室的特性,以「水底世界」作為主題,鋪排木紋天花板與石皮牆為基底,加上金屬板及湖水藍燈具的映照,打造岩洞、水蝕、波光等自然意象,且在多元建材的堆疊變化下,展現氣勢十足而不失細膩的唯美畫面。 幽暗的空間中,仿水蝕的天花板開口投注水波光影,於弧面不鏽鋼牆流轉,搭襯一旁海流型態的透明單椅,引領眾人潛入水底悠游,而當坐上大型的環形沙發時,除擁有彷若漂浮其中的閒適感受,柔軟包覆身畔的暖橘色,亦於冷調環境中,予人安心自在的等待心情。 步至廳門前,兩側的牆面向上輕揭,邀請觀眾進入亦真亦幻的秘境探訪,其對面的石皮牆也與之呼應,輕巧掀起一角,和建材本身的冷硬質感產生視覺衝突,強化奇幻的氛圍感受。
Take the concept of the company's name "Venice", adopt the image of "underwater world" as the design scheme. Make use of wood and stone veneer as base materials for ceilings and walls, moreover, exploit metal panels and lake blue light fixtures to present natural images such as caverns, water erosion, and waves. Also, take advantage of composite construction materials to manifests the magnificent and delicate aesthetic scenes, which make an associative connection of the splendid water city and the grandness of the world-class film festival.