HongKong Jockey Club Restaurant
  • 城市 : 香港   City : HongKong
  • 面积 : 4000㎡
  • 完成日期 : 2020-08-08    Completion Date : 2020-08-08
  • 设计师 : 陈德坚   Designer : Kinney Chan
  • 摄影 : Common Studio
  • 官网/公众号 : https://www.kca.com.hk
HongKong Jockey Club Restaurant  香港赛马会会所餐厅
作为香港最顶级的会所,马会的会籍备受尊崇,具有严苛的遴选制度和人数限制。赛马会作为香港历史和文化的缩影,承载着香港的热情和传奇,同时,它更是财富名望的象征,身份圈层的标签。会所餐厅占据整层空间,在这个4000余平米的空间内,包罗了西餐、中餐,日式料理,海鲜吧等多种料理属性,在这样的前提条件下,空间的设计需要满足动线和不同料理的合理分区,以及不同料理风格的融合,操作台的设置。香港的美,本身是一种由文化高度融合所带来的包容,是一种开放的、动态的、求实的美,根植于特定的历史背景之下,酝酿出 “自由、包容” 的城市精神。因此,设计师希望整个会所空间也是“打开”的,不以实质性的墙体去区隔不同的区域,而是让这些不同风格、气质的小空间,在包容的空间调性下融合在一起,再通过材质的导向和设计语言的引导,叠加不同的层次,将空间区隔开来。为了实现这一目标,同时满足多元空间并存而不杂乱,设计师巧妙地将引导动线的“路”,转而置于天花板之上,通过贯穿整个空间的天花板材质的变化,以一种“弱区隔”的形式,形成空间的向导,在不同的料理分区,用家具造型本身的线条和围合来形成特定的区域感。而正因如此,空间之中的节奏,得以经由前行的动线而起伏。在这一打开的空间中,没有绝对的主角和核心,取而代之的是用动线串联起不同的区域,形成“∞”字形的动线交汇,进一步打开了空间的自由度,空间的行为主体彻底让渡于人本身。正如马蹄声不断响起,设计也经由这无限循环的动线而展开了一场流动的盛宴。
As the top club in Hong Kong, membership of the Jockey Club is highly respected, with a strict selection system and tight restrictions. As the epitome of Hong Kong's history and culture, the Jockey Club embodies Hong Kong's racing enthusiasm and legendary status. At the same time, it is a symbol of wealth, fame, and a label of class. The Club restaurant occupies the entire floor space of 4000㎡ and offers fine Western, Chinese, and Japanese cuisines along with a fresh seafood bar. With such varieties the space needs moving lines and partition design for multiple cuisines. Therefore opened the whole space with different design styles for each cuisine rather than solid partitions. In order to achieve this goal and meet the coexistence of multiple cuisine spaces we designed the "road" guiding system on the ceiling. Here we have moving linese in the form of "invisible partitions" with changes in ceiling materials throughout the space. On this floor, there are no absolute core elements. The "∞" shaped moving line intersects with itself, further opening the vision of people. In doing this the subject of this space is completely transferred to the people themselves.