Glass & Plate
Glass & Plate 西餐厅
  • 城市 : 重庆   City : CHONGQING
  • 面积 : 400㎡
  • 完成日期 : 2022-06-30    Completion Date : 2022-06-30
  • 设计师 : 石朝思、易毅、唐爽、向立   Designer : KIRIN、YI、Tangshuang、Xiangli
  • 摄影 : 偏方摄影   Photographer : pianfang
  • 事务所官方工作室名称 : GeemoDesign 治木设计
  • 官网/公众号 : GeemoDesign 治木设计
Glass & Plate  Glass & Plate 西餐厅
Glass & Plate是重庆新晋的一家提供全时段西式餐饮和精酿啤酒的西餐厅。餐厅落地在有重庆“小曼谷”之称的黄泥磅社区紫薇路上,以日常餐具“杯子”和“盘子”单词组合命名。空间由Geemo Design负责设计。我们期待以平凡、质朴的设计语言来营造出餐厅亲切和日常的氛围感,而非一味的追求商业味道。 以谷仓为参考抽象出的几何门头在序列组合的落地窗中显得别致,给餐厅稳重的外立面增添一些趣味,成为视觉传播中的标志性记忆。表皮使用黑色烧杉木与天然质感水刷石,色泽质朴、坚固耐久。绿植被种植在从室内延伸而出的地台上,似一道“透明”的边界。身临其境,好似一处街边亲密的烹饪花园。 我们借助住宅的舒适性而非常规的商业空间思考,通过天然的材料和手工制作来营造Glass&Plate餐厅的归宿感和亲切感。当顾客在餐厅用餐时,能够感受在这名为Glass&Plate的自家餐桌用餐的独特氛围。
Glass & Plate is a new western restaurant in Chongqing that offers full time western dining and craft beer. It located on Ziwei Road in Chongqing’s “Little Bangkok” neighborhood. The restaurant is named after the combination of the words “glass” and “plate” used in everyday tableware. The space was designed by Geemo Design. We expect to create an intimate and everyday atmosphere with a plain and simple design language, instead of pursuing a commercial taste. The geometric door head abstracted from the barn as a reference looks chic in the sequential combination of floor-to-ceiling windows, adding some interest to the steady facade of the restaurant and becoming an iconic memory in visual communication. The skin is made of black burnt cedar wood and natural textured brushed stone, which is rustic in color, solid and durable. The greenery is planted on the floor that extends from the interior, like a “transparent” border. It feels like an intimate culinary garden at street level. We drew on the comfort of residential rather than conventional thinking about commercial space to create a sense of home and intimacy in Glass & Plate’s restaurant through natural materials and handcrafting. When customers dine in the restaurant, they can feel the unique atmosphere of dining at the home table called Glass & Plate.