found warm
  • 城市 : 重庆   City : chongqing
  • 面积 : 110平米   Area : 110m
  • 完成日期 : 2021-06-06    Completion Date : 2021-06-06
  • 设计师 : mils项涛   Designer : mils
  • 摄影 : 刘思瑶   Photographer : Simao liu
  • 官网/公众号 : kongyu design
found warm  暖拾
palermo是西西里首府,歌德说过“如果不去西西里,就好想没有去过意大利,西西里是意大利的美丽之源”,此案灵感来自印象中南意建筑,锡拉库萨的老城风貌。整屋色调偏暖黄,木质部分采用了红棕色,整个空间在软装上配搭了现代家具,空间从此有了对比,和混搭的风采。房屋是一对90后夫妇,两人很和善好沟通,喜欢旅游的他们希望空间不是单一感,我们在沟通几次后决定空间混搭,融入欧洲文化的部分元素,配上一些当代产物,因此有了此空间。客厅的不大,采光不算多,我们把原有的一扇门窗改为两扇,以对开方式处理,平时喜欢看电影的他们可以完全遮光,沙发可以两面坐,一边是壁炉,可以和朋友围坐喝酒聊天,一边是可以观看电视和投影。地面材质是石材感的砖,和壁炉的洞石进行呼应。 色调的和谐与室内色彩除对视觉环境产生影响外,还直接影响人们的情绪心理。科学的用色有利于工作,也有助于健康。 对于设计有着不断探索,追求一种真实与想象空间结合的成果,适用各种实质的物料,光线与影像的新技术做法;色彩,质感,艺术品时尚的家具搭配;合理的的人性空间;完美的设计理念;为业主创造完善的生活空间,演绎自我的居饰品味。 让室内设计在制宜的条件下,在观念艺术和建筑艺术的影响作用下,把室内设计艺术提高到一个更高的层次,以多元化多层面为价值取向,以优秀文化传统为审美取向,创造更多的具有先锋性的原创性的室内设计作品
Palermo is the capital of Sicily. Goethe once said, "If you do not go to Sicily, you would like to have never been to Italy. Sicily is the source of the beauty of Italy". The color of the whole room is warm yellow, and the wooden part is red brown. The whole space is matched with modern furniture on soft decoration, which gives the space a contrast and style of mixing and matching. The house is a couple born in the 1990s, who are friendly and easy to communicate. They like traveling and hope that the space is not a single sense. After several times of communication, we decided to mix and match the space, integrating some elements of European culture with some contemporary products, thus creating this space. Of the sitting room is not big, daylighting is not much, we change the original door window to two, with opposite way processing, like to see a movie at ordinary times they can completely shade, sofa can sit on both sides, it is a fireplace, can sit around drinking and chatting with friends, it is ok to watch TV and projection. The floor material is stone-like brick, echoing the cave stone in the fireplace. Tonal harmony and indoor color not only affect the visual environment, but also directly affect people's emotional psychology. Scientific use of color is conducive to work and health. For the design of continuous exploration, the pursuit of a combination of real and imaginary space results, suitable for all kinds of material, light and image new technology practice; Color, texture, art and fashion furniture matching; Reasonable human space; Perfect design concept; Create perfect living space for the owners, deduce my taste of home decoration. Let the interior design under the conditions of conditions, under the influence of concept art and architectural art, improve the interior design art to a higher level, take diversity and multi-level as the value orientation, take excellent cultural tradition as the aesthetic orientation, create more pioneering and original interior design works