  • 城市 : 南京   City : Nanjing
  • 面积 : 70000㎡
  • 完成日期 : 2020-11-01    Completion Date : 2020-11-01
  • 设计师 : 郑忠、胡伟坚   Designer : Joe Cheng & Ken Hu
  • 摄影 : 如你所见-王厅   Photographer : SensoryDesign-WangTing
  • 官网/公众号 :
酒店位于六朝古都,十朝都会之称的南京,拥有环绕式高尔夫球场和私密古典庄园景观,历史上各国政要、达官贵人,如宋美龄都曾在此进行社交休闲活动。CCD立足南京及酒店的背景,一望十载的华丽转型,以承上启下,东西交汇的风格和庄园式景观为导向,将欧洲贵族典雅艺术风格和现今南京的都市胜景相融合,以崭新的设计手法重塑古都之韵味。 大堂空间中黑色木纹、金属材质与定制石材拼花的碰撞,尽显欧式繁复与现代奢华。穿过四扇高耸的蓝色屏风过道和壁灯过道,如穿梭在时空交汇的南京古街。中餐厅利用屏风隔断来打造空间的层次感和仪式感,在颜色上提炼了南京青色琉璃瓦的颜色和皇家蓝色,营造儒雅新味,极具有东方韵味的同时又高贵典雅。
Nanjing, the glory of the prosperous age, is the ancient capital of dynasties in the history of Chinese civilization. Located among the historical sites, the hotel implying the elegant charisma of Nanjing has delicately shown the essence of luxury with a private classical manor-like landscape and a unique surrounding golf course. In addition, it was used for social and leisure activities of politicians and dignitaries from all over the world. Historic celebrities like Song Meiling, Marshall, etc. have all played golf here to experience the noble sports joy. Based on all the historical and geographic background of the resort, CCD provides a magnificent design transformation of the hotel and wants to present the connecting of past and present, the intersection of Oriental and Western, and the integration of elegant artistic style of European with the great manor scenery. In the space, the black wood grain material, golden ceiling, and custom-made stone mosaic on the ground perfectly combine European complexity with modern luxurious materials. There is an exclusive stylish turning white staircase with a dark bottom wall, unique "octagonal" reception area, special customized mosaic background wall and etcetera. All the exquisite and innovative details defined the theme as the cultural and sumptuous concept of the design. Travel through the corridor where time and space interact, feeling the collision of Italian style with the Italian restaurant. The designer uses the Chinese traditional unique red brick arch design with geometric relationship, texture, and shadow in the space to create an industrial tone and sensory experience.