Shanghai Mansion G House Renovation
  • 城市 : 上海   City : Shanghai
  • 面积 : 290㎡
  • 完成日期 : 2021-01-01    Completion Date : 2021-01-01
  • 设计师 : 詹迪、郑宇、侯绍凯   Designer : Di Zhan, Yu Zheng, Shaokai Hou
  • 摄影 : 朱海、刘星昊©言隅建筑空间摄影   Photographer : Hai Zhu, Xinghao Liu©INSPACE
  • 官网/公众号 : / FOG建筑事务所   Website/Official Accounts :
Shanghai Mansion G House Renovation  上海葛公馆室内更新
该私宅位于上海西郊,是一幢带夹层的两层双拼叠墅。原建筑中,过多的梁柱结构将空间切割得细碎,房间分布缺乏连通感,功能遭到侵蚀。 我们利用曲面对空间进行包覆,一边提纯一边化零为整。复杂的梁、柱、墙元素被统一起来,楼梯被挪到一侧,尽可能释放一层多功能客厅的潜能;餐厅、厨房位于夹层;卧室、书房、衣帽间、盥洗室位于二层。针对无法回避的痛点,我们用GRG曲面将之包裹起来,不仅消解了结构性干扰,也营造出一种“洞穴”般的安全感。 沿木质楼梯拾级而上,悄然步入主人的私密空间。这里,环境在规整的直线结构中渐趋平静,熟悉的流动包裹感自然渗透其中。 木质材料、皮革、棉、麻的使用柔化了空间表情,随日常起居一起吐纳,让人倍感松弛;暖白色基底配合原木色使得空间在富于几何动态的同时不乏稳定性;最后,软装、家具和饰品调入活泼生动的色彩。每当光线从落地窗倾泻而入,这个家就仿佛拥有了心跳,每一寸空间随光线移动渐次苏醒。 我们试图用设计语汇来探寻“家”的真意,业主夫妇也在实现居室梦想的同时愈发厘清了对“家”的想往。最终,是双方共同赋予了这个空间以生命,它将随生活前进而慢慢拥有无从复刻的气质、个性与精神。
Free from the hustle and bustle of city life, this two-story semi sits in a verdant neighborhood in the western suburb of Shanghai. The original property was spatially fragmented due to the excessive presence of beam-column structures, which prevented room from being fully utilized. To distill the space, we first reduced the number of rooms by turning the entire first floor into a multipurpose living room, the second floor into a spacious bedroom, a closet and a bathroom, and the downsized mezzanine into a dining room and a kitchen. Using the same design language, we unified the beams, columns and walls. Finally, we repositioned the staircase from the center to the side to establish the living room as the absolute focus. The thorough application of GRG curved surfaces creates a gentle, creamy, wild yet tender cave-like atmosphere. It makes the space visually interesting while helping resolve the structural flaws of the original layout and dissolves any disturbances while fostering a homely environment in which people feel securely embraced. The spiraling wooden staircase preserves the theme of the first floor. The second floor, being more private, retrieves tranquility through the introduction of straight lines in place of curves. Curves retreat into background and become decorative elements to keep the design coherent. In the meantime, we installed inclined walls instead of blockades to create lobby-style micro spaces, for the purposes of utility and adding more layers. Material wise, we used wood, supplemented by leather, cotton and linen, in pursuit of tactility. When the natural light pours in through the French windows, they give the house a steady heartbeat and people in it a feeling of ease. Together with the client, we explore the meaning of home and reflect on what we need for our houses on top of utilitarian concerns. After more than two years, over 60 trips from London to Shanghai, and countless plan modifications, we are proud to say as we look back that it has been a journey of shared growth.