Chengdu Sanli Lushan City
  • 城市 : 成都   City : chengdu
  • 面积 : 700㎡
  • 完成日期 : 2021-05-17    Completion Date : 2021-05-17
  • 设计师 : 沈晓未 刘琳   Designer : shenxiaowei liulin
  • 摄影 : 李恒   Photographer : liheng
  • 官网/公众号 : 成都锦上空间装饰设计有限公司
Chengdu Sanli Lushan City  成都三利麓山城
此项目是位于成都天府新区的一栋五层别墅,业主深耕地产行业多年,他们理想中的住所,是在沉稳有质感的基础上,加入艺术和时尚因元素,同时更需要有家的温馨。为了契合业主所需的生活空间,塑造独特的居所气质,于是在设计上打破界限,带来充满想象的空间。 整个作品追求简约优雅的设计风格,内部在保持整体风格统一的同时,让每个空间都有专属的格调。在沉稳内敛的空间气质中,用跳脱活力的色彩来打破沉静。主要空间选用有设计感的灯具,来增加灵动性和艺术氛围。
This project is a five-story villa located in Tianfu New District, Chengdu. The owners have been deeply engaged in the real estate industry for many years. Their ideal residence is based on a calm and textural basis, adding elements of art and fashion, and at the same time, it needs the warmth of home. In order to fit the living space required by the owner and create a unique residence temperament, the design breaks the boundaries and brings a space full of imagination. The whole work pursues simple and elegant design style. While maintaining the unity of the overall style inside, each space has its own style. In the space temperament of collect inside composed, the colour that takes off vigor will break composed with jump. In the main space, lamps and lanterns with a sense of design are selected to increase the flexibility and artistic atmosphere.