  • 城市 : 浙江宁波   City : Ningbo City
  • 面积 : 317㎡
  • 完成日期 : 2020-07-20    Completion Date : 2020-07-20
  • 设计师 : 胡秦玮   Designer : Qinwei Hu
  • 摄影 : 朴言   Photographer : Puyan
  • 官网/公众号 : 禾公社空间设计   Website/Official Accounts : HOGOSO DESIGN
HOGOSO Studio  禾公社空间设计公司
“直线象征无限,曲线限制创造。而色彩则可以让人哭泣。”——卡洛斯卡帕 梦的尽头,是白色的自由!寻找一处空间,将周遭事物抛掷脑后,构建人与空间的共同生长。生活是私密的情感,回归自然,却也包容万象的情绪,克制之后的极致,自由便是如此。情感是生活的艺术,而空间承载着生活,也许是一次开怀大笑,空间有了表情,也有了立体的感官,感知时间,安放情感的多样。方寸空间内,稍不留意走过去几步,他所精心“谋划”的“信号”就会擦肩而过。于是我必须停留驻足,或者回身倒退,生怕他要说的那些事儿分分钟就从不经意中溜走。追求人与神统一的绝对境界,亦即今日我们熟知的“纯粹抽象”,其崇拜直线美,静观万物内部的安宁。我们本能地寻找具象事物与抽象情感之间的共鸣,辗转至内心深处,是精神上的自省,淡雅从容,宁静致远。 一直在尝试做减法设计,突出人的感官与体验为空间主体。在建筑工作中寻找快乐,极简艺术派的实践者,以几何形体构成“形式的美”,多以垂直线和水平线,长方形和正方形的各种格子组成。而色块的灵感来自于蒙德里安,垂直水平的线条分割,揭示出色块的音乐与韵律。凝视它们,你会发现宇宙中最质朴的美,乏味的世界瞬间凝练升华。 你可以说它们是某一种空间形态,或认为它们是某些空间形态的集合体,又或者它们是一种你闻所未闻,且只存在于此处的某一种空间形态。
"Straight lines symbolize infinity, curves limit creation. And colors can make people cry."-Carlos Capa The end of the dream is white freedom! Finding a space, throwing the surrounding things behind, and building the co-growth of people and space. Life is a private emotion, returning to nature, but also tolerating the emotions of Vientiane. The ultimate after restraint is freedom. Emotion is the art of life, and space carries life. Perhaps, because of a laugh. space has expression and rich senses to feeling the time,place the emotions. In the square inch of space, if you don't pay attention to walking a few steps, the "signals" he carefully "planned" will pass. So I had to stop, or turn back, for fear that the things he was about to say would slip away by accident in minutes. Pursuing the absolute realm of the unity of man and god, which is known as "pure abstraction" today, worships the beauty of straight lines and contemplates the tranquility within everything. We instinctively look for the resonance between concrete things and abstract emotions, to the depths of our hearts, it is spiritual introspection, elegant and calm, peaceful and far-reaching. I have been trying to do subtractive design, highlighting human senses and experience as the main space. Looking for happiness in architectural work, practitioners of the minimalist art school use geometric shapes to form the "beauty of form", mostly consisting of vertical and horizontal lines, rectangles and squares. The color blocks are inspired by Mondrian. The vertical and horizontal lines are divided to reveal the music and rhythm of the outstanding blocks. Staring at them, you will find the simplest beauty in the universe, the boring world instantly condenses and sublimates. You can say that they are a certain spatial form, or think that they are a collection of certain spatial forms, or they are a certain spatial form that you have never heard of and only exist here.