珀·法餐厅 I AmbréCiel
  • 城市 : Hangzhou   City : HangZhou
  • 面积 : 540㎡
  • 完成日期 : 2021-11-01    Completion Date : 2021-11-01
  • 设计师 : 徐晶磊   Designer : Jinglei Xu
  • 摄影 : 叶松   Photographer : Song Ye
  • 事务所官方工作室名称 : 慢珊瑚设计   Official Name : slow coral design
  • 官网/公众号 : 慢珊瑚设计   Website/Official Accounts : slow coral design
AmbréCiel  珀·法餐厅 I AmbréCiel
漫长岁月下的精致料理 | Exquisite Cuisine Under Long Years 孟德斯鸠男爵有一句名言:“午餐谋杀了一半的巴黎人,晚餐谋杀了另一半。”法餐作为现代西餐的领跑者,有着极致的仪式感与豪华享受。 新时代 不被定义的法餐文化 设计的灵感来自于1975年美国《新地形学》(New Topographics)展览。山形地貌随时间流动,风沙磨砺,人类痕迹与自然边界线逐渐模糊,互相渗透,融合出一种冷静外观下另有深意的中性美学感受。 这与法餐注重浪漫情调,追求极致的仪式感高度契合。让人仿佛置身在另一个维度的时空中,远离嘈杂,岁月漫长,就此沉浸在美味之中。 珀 是一种精神,呈启于时间之上。依附于珀,设想如何借由古法匠心力量,以原始元素作为主导,用精致而古朴的手法烘托空间氛围,挖掘,破入,雕琢,抛光,最终重塑新生。 先启 | START 沉浸的环境下,斑驳肌理所包裹的空间,隐秘深邃的尺度, 带来前所未有的冲击感与未知力量。嘈杂与安静的转换,光影与空间的交互,变幻的月球,彰显着它的潮汐力,其自然力量指引着我们探索内部空间。 破入 | BREAK 中庭以场地的基岩为背景,原始钝感的体块下,经由时间的风伤,介入匠人磨砺精神,不断雕琢以新形态示人。自然该是随意流动,而时间是秩序不以人的意识为转移,如何进行恰当的破入与修凿正是空间最核心的表述。 随机,抽象,给每寸空间带来真实的虚幻性,这是一场有趣的实验性探索。半游走式的空间形式,是紧密的,又是疏离的,分寸感在一石一柱之间。搭配节奏有度的光影,置身其中,移步换景。 通过特殊材质,来模拟未经开凿的岩石,经由潮涨彼伏,气候变迁下的碰撞风伤,构成不同体块的形态缺口。后由一锤一石的修凿打磨,手工艺与原始的张力爆破,粗粝与质感温度融合,匠心的手法几经研磨,正是空间所存在的价值。 渗透 | INFILTRATION 单宁反应 ,隐藏着随机的语言形态,光影浮动,蔓延在幽暗的柜体内部,两者潜伏跃动,指引前往全新领域。流动的多酚化合物,传递着投射与转码,绕开我们所看见的,是感官之外的新世界。 粗粝的空间下是具私密性的领域,烟丝的气息渗透游走,情绪漫步显露。Riedel葡萄酒杯与雪茄的烟雾所缠绕,在现代手法的转述下,包裹着未经破坏与侵入的混沌感。紧凑的空间尺度,交汇彼此的情绪,达到微醺的最佳点。 珀光 | LIGHT 光,是幽暗空间下唯一主体,是虚幻与现实的对话媒介,通过光,超自然,未知,探索,梦幻的情绪被诉说涌现。这是一场可以被感知,被触摸的宴席,革新重塑下的新生,剥离于现实之外,环坐其中,真切的感知追本溯源,呈现于时间之上的味觉盛宴。 项目完成后的这大半年时间里收到了大家的喜欢,无论是餐饮爱好者还是设计师们,材料的选择与运用对运营这方面起到了一定帮助与维护管理的省心,空间的沉稳感在各种活动的举办中更能凸出活动的主题并相得益彰,我想设计也就是运营的另一种方式,两者是相结合。
Exquisite Cuisine Under Long Years There is a famous saying by Baron Montesquieu: "Lunch kills half of the Parisians, and dinner kills the other half." As the leader of modern Western food, French food has the ultimate sense of ritual and luxurious enjoyment. New Era Undefined French Cuisine Culture The design was inspired by the 1975 New Topographics exhibition in the United States. The mountain-shaped landform flows with time, the wind and sand are honed, and the human traces and the natural boundary line gradually blur, penetrate each other, and integrate a neutral aesthetic feeling with a deep meaning under the calm appearance. This is highly consistent with the French cuisine's emphasis on romance and the pursuit of the ultimate sense of ritual. It makes people feel as if they are in another dimension of time and space, away from the noise, the years are long, and they are immersed in delicious food. amber It is a kind of spirit, presented above time. Attached to Po, I imagine how to use the original elements as the leading force to create a space atmosphere, excavate, break in, carve, polish, and finally reshape the new life. Initiation | START In an immersive environment, the space surrounded by mottled texture and the hidden and profound scale bring unprecedented impact and unknown power. The transformation of noise and quiet, the interaction of light and shadow and space, the changing moon, highlights its tidal force, and its natural force guides us to explore the inner space. Break in | BREAK The atrium takes the bedrock of the site as the background. Under the primitive and dull blocks, through the wind damage of time, the craftsmen are involved in the tempering spirit, and they are constantly sculpted to show people in new forms. Naturally, it should flow at will, and time is an order that is not transferred by human consciousness. How to properly penetrate and repair is the core expression of space. Random, abstract, bringing real illusoryness to every inch of space, this is an interesting experimental exploration. The semi-roaming space form is tight and detached, with a sense of proportion between a stone and a pillar. With rhythmic light and shadow, you can step into it and change the scene. Using special materials to simulate unexcavated rocks, through the rise and fall of tides and the impact of wind damage under climate change, the morphological gaps of different blocks are formed. After that, it is chiseled and polished with a hammer and a stone. The handicraft and the original tension blast, the roughness and the texture temperature are combined, and the ingenious technique has been polished several times, which is the value of the space. Infiltration | INFILTRATION Tannin reaction, hiding random language forms, light and shadow floating, spread inside the dark cabinet, the two are lurking and jumping, leading to a new field. The flowing polyphenolic compounds transmit projection and transcoding, bypassing what we see, a new world beyond the senses. Beneath the rough space is a private area, where the breath of cut tobacco permeates and wanders, revealing emotional walks. Riedel's wine glass and cigar smoke are wrapped in a sense of unspoiled and intrusive chaos under the retelling of modern techniques. The compact space scales meet each other's emotions to reach the best point of slight intoxication. Light | LIGHT Light, the only subject in the dark space, is the medium of dialogue between fantasy and reality. Through light, supernatural, unknown, exploration, and dream emotions are told and emerge. This is a feast that can be felt and touched, a new life under innovation and remodeling, separated from reality, sitting in it, the real perception traces back to the source, and presents a feast of taste above time. In the half a year after the completion of the project, it has been liked by everyone. Whether it is catering enthusiasts or designers, the selection and application of materials have played a certain role in the operation and maintenance management. The sense of calmness in the space is In the holding of various events, the theme of the event can be more prominent and complement each other. I think design is another way of operation, and the two are combined.