CK Home
CK Home
  • 城市 : 上海   City : Shanghai
  • 面积 : 120m2
  • 完成日期 : 2021-11-01    Completion Date : 2021-11-01
  • 设计师 : 王卓尔,Begoña Masiá,王家钧,余若琪   Designer : Wang Zhuoer, Begoña Masiá, Wang Jiajun, Yu Ruoqi
  • 摄影 : 云眠摄影   Photographer : yuuuun studio
  • 事务所官方工作室名称 : 〇筑设计   Official Name : Office ZHU
  • 官网/公众号 :
CK Home  CK Home
中国目前已经有2.4亿的单身成年人,预计到2021年,独居人数将上升到9200万。外卖,交友软件,宠物…针对独居人群的服务层出不穷,但市场上的户型研发却远落后于时代。如何根据新兴需求,设计一个与众不同且舒适的独居公寓,是我们在《CK住宅》中想探讨的问题。 我们接手的公寓原为三房两厅两卫,主要针对三口之家。餐厅位于户型中央且缺乏直接采光,空间体验不佳。公寓的另一硬伤是厨房,原设计为确保卫生间面积,挤压了厨房宽度,导致其操作及储存空间有限。 根据业主独居生活习惯,设计打通了其中一个卧室与客厅的分隔,将其抬高改为活动室,使得室内空间更为明亮通透,并具有更多灵活性。此外压缩了卫生间面积并拓展了厨房,使一人食充满了乐趣,也为邀请朋友前来聚餐派对提供了保障。主材上则采用蓝色及大片镜面,干净清爽,方便其练习咏春拳。 我们希望这一设计能打破主流社会对独居的刻板印象,并为都市单身者,提供更高品质的选择。
There are already 240 million single adults in China, and the number of people living alone is expected to rise to 92 million by 2021. Takeaways, dating apps, for people living alone are popping up all over the place, but the market is lagging far behind in the development of apartment types. How to design a different and comfortable apartment for bachelor according to the emerging needs is the question we wanted to explore in CK Home. The apartment we faced was originally a three-bedroom, two-bathroom apartment, mainly for a family of three. The dining room was located in the center of the apartment and lacked direct light, making the space a poor experience. The original design squeezed the width of the kitchen to ensure the size of the bathroom, resulting in limited space for cooking and storage. Since the client is living alone, the design opened up one of the bedrooms, turn it into a multifunctional room and linked it with the living area, making the interior space brighter and more flexible. In addition, the bathroom was compressed and the kitchen was expanded. A spacious and fully functional kitchen not only improve the cooking experience, but also provides a platform for home cooking parties. The main material is blue, clean and fresh, and the large mirrors make it easy to practice Wing Chun. We hope this design will break the stereotype of living alone in mainstream society and provide a higher quality option for urban singles.