Mirror Cube Hair Salon
  • 城市 : 杭州   City : Hangzhou
  • 面积 : 380㎡
  • 完成日期 : 2021-06-10    Completion Date : 2021-06-10
  • 设计师 : 龚剑,刘猛   Designer : GONG Jian, LIU Meng
  • 摄影 : 是合影像工作室   Photographer : Studio RH
  • 事务所官方工作室名称 : 是合设计工作室   Official Name : Atelier Right Hub
  • 官网/公众号 : 官网:www.righthub.cn / 微信公众号:是合设计   Website/Official Accounts : Website: www.righthub.cn / Wechat: righthub
Mirror Cube Hair Salon  镜面魔方美发沙龙
国民消费升级驱动商业场景迭代,擅长以平衡手法重构空间的 Atelier right hub 是合设计工作室,为城市中心地段新添了一处兼具工业氛围与当代元素的跨时空体验的美发沙龙。业主委托建筑师将位于杭州钱塘江畔城市中心的一座商业大厦的7楼空间改造成美发沙龙,设计要在完全满足业主所要求的功能前提下为使用者提供与一般理发店截然不同的体验。建筑师在美发区的中心设置了一个“镜面魔方”,连续的镜面部分弯曲、部分平整,当客人站在不同的位置时,镜面会映射出不同的人像和环境,带来千差万别的感受。美发沙龙的主要视觉点缀之一位于接待区,客人在入口前的弧形镜面上看到被扭曲和放大的景象,可让进店的顾客瞬间感到惊艳。接待台由现浇混凝土制成,在视觉上类似于石块,与镜面墙体形成强烈反差。然而,接待台单一的外观并不会妨碍其丰富的功能性:它具有桌面和插入式连接点,以确保完整的工作空间。工程最主要的工作是建造空间中部的“镜面魔方”,外侧是镜面内侧采用黑色木饰面。魔方集合了丰富的功能空间,包含接待台和储物柜、咖啡吧、VIP美发室、VIP洗发室、储藏室。这片巨大的镜面打破了空间的界限,为人们带来了丰富的感知,其本身敦实的体量感和不锈钢镜面肌理之间形成了奇妙的矛盾性和超现实感。空间采用高大的落地窗,贯穿地面和天花,让城市中心和钱塘江的风光一览无余。阳光透过落地窗洒入室内,整个空间干净而明亮。白色成为了空间的装饰背景,大面积的留白,恰到好处地突出了“镜面魔方”的造型和质感。卷帘同样采用白色,与背景融合在一起,减少对视觉的干扰,同时与墙面坚硬的质地形成对比,让空间更轻盈。在改造项目中,空间被叠加了时间这个维度,使得过去与现在的冲突、场地与功能的冲突更加凸显。空间改造中的这些矛盾与冲突,可以顺势让其表现、彰显冲突,也可以借力消减,使其和谐,或者就将不同的元素拼贴,简单坦诚的展示。建筑师暴露混凝土立柱、钢梁和空调管线并将其整体涂成白色的设计策略参考了粗野主义的建筑风格,保留原始结构的同时又用镜面不锈钢材质给空间注入新的能量,拼贴出新与旧的结合,重现空间的艺术本色。
With consumption upgrade in China driving iteration of commercial scenes, Atelier right hub, a Chinese design studio which excels at reorganizing spaces in a balanced and coordinated manner, created a unique experiential aesthetic salon that fuses industrial atmosphere and contemporary elements in downtown. The architects received the commission of the reform the 7th floor space of a commercial mansion located in downtown by Qiantang river in Hangzhou to adapt it to a new use as an aesthetic salon. The intention was to conceive a place, fulfilling the functions re-quired by the client, would imply an experience for the user other than the one commonly associ-ated with this business. Through the path inside the hairdressing space and thanks to a Mirror Cube, with continuous mirrored surface, convex and flat areas. The project aims to generate different sensations in the visitor, depending on their position and the reflected image that can be obtained of themselves itself and their environment in each moment. One of the main visual accents of the salon is lo-cated in the reception area and the user will see a distorted and enlarged reality during the jour-ney from the entrance, which creates an instant wow-effect in visitors. The reception counter is made of cast-in-situ concrete and visually resembles a stone block, making strong contrast of the continuous mirror wall. However, the monolithic look of the reception does not impede its functionality – it has a desktop and plug-in connection spots to ensure a fully functional workspace. The main effort is centered on the construction of the Mirror Cube, which is made by mirror on the outside and black wood veneer on the inside. The Mirror Cube with rich functional spaces contains reception & closet, coffee bar, vip hair styling, vip hair wash, storage, delimiting the space and at the same time expanding the perception of it. The massive volume of the Cube coated by polished stainless steel makes one feel surreal and paradoxical. The floor-to-ceiling windows offer the customers a stunning view of the downtown and Qiantang River. Sunlight spills into the space, which looks clean and bright. Thanks to the white background palette, the Mirror Cube is able to stand out with impressive modeling and finishing. Roller blinds are also white and blend with the background to reduce visual interference, and they contrast against the hard wall, which helps to lighten and soften the space. Especially in the renovation project, space is superimposed on the dimension of time, which makes the conflict between history and present, the conflict between site and function more prominent. These contradictions and conflicts in the space renovation can take advantage of the opportunity to show their conflicts, and they can be reduced to make them harmonious, or different elements can be collaged to show them simply and frankly. The strategy of exposed concrete columns, steel beams and M.E.P system, painted with white colour, refers to the brutalist-type structure. The architects retain existing structure and inject new energy into the space, collage the combination of the new and the old, and then recreate the artistic nature of the space.