Blue Bear
  • 城市 : 望京麒麟社,北京   City : Wangjing Store, Beijing
  • 面积 : 90平方米   Area : 90 square meters
  • 完成日期 : 2021-11-06    Completion Date : 2021-11-06
  • 设计师 : 臧云辰 于晓玮   Designer : Yunchen Zang, Xiaowei Yu
  • 摄影 : 臧云辰   Photographer : Yunchen Zang
  • 事务所官方工作室名称 : 北京意与形设计咨询有限公司   Official Name : STUDIO 715
  • 官网/公众号 : 网站: 公众号:Studio715   Website/Official Accounts : Account official:Studio715
Blue Bear  兰熊鲜奶
兰熊鲜奶是一家在品质上追求极致的新兴牛奶品牌。兰熊鲜奶将新鲜的奶源和创新的口味结合起来,以一种非常健康的奶饮品形式,更多的参与大众的生活,让更多年轻人爱上喝奶。STUDIO 715为BLUE BEAR 兰熊鲜奶打造了位于北京望京地区的全新门店。纯粹的暖白色与温柔的曲线结合,姿态各异的绿植为这里又增添一份诗意。 入口处使用整面无框的玻璃立面使店铺格外通透,店内的白色延伸至外部,使整体显得更加明亮和纯净。步入店内,右手边为点餐取餐吧台。整面的松木元素带来一种天然、洁净的感觉,体现新鲜食材与健康生活的主题理念。进门左手边为不规则弧线形式的坐台,米白色的人造石材质带着些许光泽,在优美的弧线造型下显得朦胧又温暖,犹如牛奶在空间中流动。柱子和墙角的边缘都以弧形相接,使整个空间在纯粹的白色中浑然一体。店铺尽头则为整面银镜,反射整个店铺的景象,使室内空间在视觉上得以延伸的同时,又增加了店铺内部的光线,明亮且舒畅。坐台上的绿植点缀在这一纯白空间里,随着一天内时间的变化,在环境中形成不同的光影,仿佛这一棵棵小树在吟唱一首关于自然的诗歌。
Blue Bear is an emerging milk brand pursuing the ultimate in quality. It combines fresh milk with innovative tastes, in the form of a very healthy milk drink, aiming at playing a more important role in the lives of the public, and making young people fall in love with milk. STUDIO 715 created a brand new flagship store for BLUE BEAR in the Wangjing area of Beijing. The combination of pure warm white, shapes in gentle curves and green plants give a poetic touch to this retail place. The entire frameless glass facade at the entrance makes the entire shop extra clear, while the white inside the shop extends to the outside, making the whole look brighter and purer. Step into the store, on the right side there is the bar table. The pine wood planks in the whole background wall on the whole surface bring a natural and clean feeling. On the left side of the entrance are irregular wave-shaped seating stairs. The white glossy stone gives the graceful arc shape a hazy and warm look, just like the milk flowing in the space. The edges of the pillars and the ceiling corners are all connected in an arc shape, making the entire space integrated in pure white. The wall at the end of the shop is covered by mirror that reflects the whole shop in order to make the interior space expanded visually and also invites more natural light into the shop, making the whole environment bright and comfortable. The green plants on the sitting stairs are dotted in this pure white space. As the time of the day changes, different light and shadows are formed in the environment, as if the small trees are singing a poem about the nature.