Yueqing ·residential
  • 城市 : 武汉   City : WU HAN
  • 面积 : 110
  • 完成日期 : 2022-05-30    Completion Date : 2022-05-30
  • 设计师 : 蔡文杰   Designer : WENJIE CAI
  • 摄影 : 梵镜摄影   Photographer : FANJING
  • 事务所官方工作室名称 : 蔡文杰室内设计   Official Name : CAI Wenjie interior design
  • 官网/公众号 : 蔡文杰室内设计   Website/Official Accounts : CAI Wenjie interior design
Yueqing ·residential  月青·住宅
本案位于武汉汉口江边华发外滩首府,风景宜人,地理位置优越。业主对新居所的追求是更高品质更富格调的生活环境,希望整体温馨雅致,在繁华的都市中能够享受悠然宁静的时光,并且需要大量的收纳及展陈空间。 项目以「月 青」命名,空间设计的表达与诗人杨万里的诗《八月十二日夜诚斋望月》意境不谋而合。仰望高空,俨如帷幕,色比鸦青,倍觉淡雅。在这淡雅的帷幕之上,悬挂着一轮明月,色泽优雅美丽,似乎无所附丽,并独自运行。空间创作秉承归零之态,不拘于风格和形式,而将设计理念与情感需求糅合,于灵韵布局中融入人文情怀,使居住者与空间共鸣形成理想之所。 本案所有的设计都是浅尝即止的自信,不会用力过猛。高雅、艺术在生活里生根发芽,在细微处诉说。项目选择以现代轻奢的简明线条勾勒,雕琢细节,色彩层次,营造高级时尚的优雅空间。
This case is located in Wuhan Hankou River, the scenery is pleasant, the geographical position is superior. The owner's pursuit for the new residence is a higher quality and more elegant living environment, hoping the overall warm and elegant, can enjoy a leisurely and quiet time in the bustling city, and need a lot of storage and exhibition space. The project is named after "Moon green", and the expression of the space design coincides with the artistic conception of the poem "August 12 Night Chengzhai Full Moon" by the poet Yang Wanli. Looking up at the sky, a majestic curtain, color than raven green, times feel elegant. Above this elegant curtain hung a bright moon, graceful in color and beauty, which seemed to be independent and run alone. Space creation adhering to the state of zero, not limited to style and form, but the design concept and emotional needs, in the spirit of rhyme layout into the humanistic feelings, so that residents and space resonance to form an ideal place. All the designs in this case are just a taste of confidence, not too hard. Elegance and art take root and sprout in life, and tell in details. The project chooses the concise outline of modern light luxury lines, carving details and color levels to create an elegant space of high fashion.