Seasonal Baroque
  • 城市 : 台灣台南   City : Tainan, Taiwan
  • 面积 : 182㎡
  • 完成日期 : 2021-10-01    Completion Date : 2021-10-01
  • 设计师 : 傅瓊慧    Designer : FU,CHIUNG-HUI
  • 摄影 : Hey! Cheese : Jamie Lo
  • 事务所官方工作室名称 : 由里室內裝修設計工程有限公司   Official Name : Yuli Design
  • 官网/公众号 :
Seasonal Baroque  四季遊蹤
四季遊蹤 Seasonal Baroque 影片賞析 ~ 空間手法寄情在虛實相生的結構裡,運用裝置達到理想實境,帶出深具實驗性創作的自然雲霓四季。擬真大自然氣候的多樣面貌,依循空間場域動線,規劃進春夏秋冬層層細微的室內情境。空間作品位於設計公司頂樓樓層,設定為公司專屬會所,主要目的是為讓團隊在辦公節奏之餘,有個能夠放鬆休憩並激發創作能量的基地。 ~ 甫上樓左側是華麗的盛宴場域,擁有大面窗景滿室明亮,牆上框鏡錯落相映,水晶色質感在空氣裡浮動,日光將全部的晶瑩倒映流瀉在長桌上,交融出屬於春天的繽紛。一旁的深咖啡色華麗櫃體,是開放式廚房標配的流理台區域,從細膩如同色系水槽到隱藏式烤箱一應俱全,下方桌腳皆以雕刻裝飾藏住管線,完美落實盛宴的華麗視覺。場域風格帶點巴洛克式狂放風華,跳脫古典制式對稱,一切構成無須依循規則,讓美麗的錯落為日常活潑加分。 ~ 會所中界處是大面書牆,多色的崁入式燈條在書牆櫃體間交錯,霓虹般的閃耀張力印證了夏天豔陽熱情。場域中界備有移動式圓沙發,可隨心情變換坐臥位置,享受閱讀時光。沙發中佇立有直立鋼管,是為舞蹈表演而預備,使空間功能有了更多複合樣式。 ~ 書牆對面為吧檯區,待夕陽西落,這裡就是最好的夏夜酒吧,可慢慢品嘗冰涼,欣賞曼妙舞姿。熱辣的鋼管舞孃會倒映在天花板鏡面上,無形中放大視覺張力。空間透過大面積鏡面反射延伸,無形中平衡住此處的低矮樓高視覺,放大上下視野。 ~ 再沿動線遊走,騎上書牆旁的白色獨角獸,感受童話裡歡樂氛圍,準備奔向秋涼漸微的森林去。書牆右側是客廳影音區,以大片的白回應冷靜視野,為即將的入冬預留視覺。樹梢上積了雪,彷若走入冬天雪境。客廳電視牆兩旁以雕塑般的巨型樹幹體,延伸向上順勢包覆住室內柱體,營造出如皚皚白雪的覆蓋感,加深冬日氣息。 ~ 客廳旁有鋼構長梯拾階而上,挑高的樓中樓場域是畫室空間,為讓創作養成習慣所規劃,平時可面朝大窗依光隨筆,拾綴心情。再走過夾層過道來到琴房區域,伴隨著白色平台鋼琴與空間的色白毫無違和。琴旁另設有大型臥榻,可供會所備有更多休憩區域選擇,臥榻後方則以霧白色曲型鏤空護欄做為夾層盡頭,使室內視野更為通透,可眺望下方盛宴長桌,裝置美景一覽無遺。 ~ 生活就如扮家家酒般,創意本該在最美好的吃喝玩樂中被激發鳴響。整個會所空間呈現大開放場域,伴隨白天黑夜不同光影強度,引導自然光源與人造光源交互配置,續以風格裝飾搭配色系輔助情境。雖然僅在一室之內,卻可體驗變幻強度具相當張力的室內氛圍。
The design is full of character as colorful devices are integrated into the structure to form an environment that imitates a natural climate. A seasonal atmosphere flows throughout the space, creating a subtle experience of scenery in spring, summer, autumn and winter. ~ This project is developed for the top floor of a design company, which is intended to hold the company's exclusive club. The purpose is to provide a space where the team can relax and find inspiration during creative development. ~ Left of the stairs stands an extravagant banquet hall with large windows and aligned mirrors. The sunlight reflects off the crystal luster of long table, representing the brightness of spring. The dark-brown ornate cabinet on the side provides a counter in the open kitchen concept and was elaborately planned to include a tone-in-tone sink and a hidden oven. The table legs are decorated with carvings to conceal the pipeline, which maintains the eloquence of the banquet hall. The project uses a subtle baroque design yet has an unrestrained concept that digresses from a classical design. ~ This section of the project offers a multifunctional space. With a large bookcase wall in the middle of the banquet hall, multicolored, recessed lighting is interlaced in a linear pattern between the bookcase wall and the cabinets. The intensity of the neon lights reflects the passion of the gleaming summer sun. The movable round sofa in the center is positioned for functional flexibility, allowing users to choose between sitting or lying down depending on their mood while reading. The upright steel pipes on top of the sofa are meant to be utilized in a dance performance. ~ On the opposite side of the bookcase wall is night bar that boasts the best view of summer sunsets. Observers can enjoy ice-cold drinks while watching hot pole dancers performance. The movement of the pole dancers are magnified through the ceiling mirror's reflection, providing a visual balance between the upper and lower dimensions of the space. ~ Along the visual line of the bookcase wall and the white unicorn beside it, the joyous fairytale atmosphere transforms into an warm autumn forest. On the right of the bookcase wall is the living room’s audio-visual area, which is mostly painted white as an impression of an upcoming winter. Large, structural tree trunks are on both sides of the TV wall in the living room, deepening the winter atmosphere, with snow covering the treetops. ~ Climbing up the long steel ladder next to the living room is the studio intended to cultivate creativity in the mezzanine area. People can bathe in the light streaming through the large window to lift their moods and walk through the mezzanine aisle to the piano room to see the white grand piano sitting in the white space. Next to the piano is a large couch that offers more resting spaces in the club. Behind the couch, a fog-white curved guardrail marks at the end of the view of the mezzanine to create more visual transparency. The banquet table below can be seen from the mezzanine, and the vision of beauty is unobstructed. ~ The purpose of this design is to cultivate creativity through eating, drinking, playing, and relaxation. The club space provides dynamic light and shadow intensities from day and night, along with the interactive configuration of natural and artificial light sources. Decorated with a multitude of styles and colors, this design offers the experience of an outdoor atmosphere from a single indoor space.