Grand Banks
Grand Banks
  • 城市 : 上海   City : Shanghai
  • 面积 : 320m²   Area : 320²
  • 完成日期 : 2021-04-16    Completion Date : 2021-04-16
  • 设计师 : 邵程   Designer : Chris Shao
  • 摄影 : 朱海   Photographer : Zhu Hai
  • 官网/公众号 : chris-shao-studio
Grand Banks  Grand Banks
当置身于即将修复完成的卜内门大楼前时有一瞬间那个抽象遥远的梦竟然变的具体起来。而Grand Banks的故事新篇章,也将在这里拉开帷幕。 1921年从事洋碱生意的卜内门洋行购入四川路福州路路口南侧成为卜内门中国总部的所在地。建筑外观是带有横三段式特征的新古典主义风格。古铜色铸铁大门、仿石墙面、落地玻璃窗、柯林斯立柱,那原有但已不在的阿特兰特雕塑无不诉说着那个华洋交汇、特属于上海的黄金时代。 昔日洋行早已易主,今天的卜内门大楼在经历多番轮转自 2019 年开始,经历了修缮与翻新。项目历时两年,通过参考建筑在不同历史时期留下的重要档案跟影像,遵从最小干预、可逆、完整性完成修缮建筑、回复残损雕饰,提升历史建筑整体风貌,赋予其新生。Chris Shao “ 外滩这片区域的老建筑最大的魅力,是它除了拥有历史之外,还在等待被赋予当代的灵魂和意义。都市和市井气息相汇,历史与人文精神的交融,Grand Banks 就在这样的老街区应运而生。 为了用设计讲述一个“金翠”的繁华旧梦,酒吧主色调选取复古墨绿色与铜色,在材质上保留许多木结构与饰面,融合部分石材、天花板上的石膏雕饰Chinoiserie 风格的壁纸,质地细腻的纺织品与银质餐具共同打造出自然、轻松的空间氛围。有一些仪式感,却并不拘谨,希望 Grand Banks可以让你重拾上海黄金时代的绮丽旧梦,并成为现代都市中分享、碰撞、放松的聚集地。年轻而大胆的各行各业的梦想家可以在这里畅饮、享受味蕾、狂欢,大胆做梦。
To redefine the glory of this historic British Neoclassical architecture, to recapture the elegance of its grace, to reform the sharpness of its demeanor. Chris Shao Studio was blessed to be the pursuer of these tasks. The building needs to inherit the heritage from its original owner Brunner Mond (UK) Limited, one of the most powerful chemical industry empires in modern history. This time, we boned the space with a profound English green, accessorize it with gypsum cornice lining and a set of hale-toned wood surfaces. Then, dressed it with Chinoiserie and Rococo style wall-covering, coated it with Houndstooth and other broad textured fabric. Like a sharp-dressed gentleman freshly steps out from a tailor’s.The detailing of the hard decoration speaks the same language. Bronze emerges from the surface of steady wood and the edges of solid marble. These cufflinks and tie bar give a progressive modern touch of balance to this space. On the soft decoration part, new sets of Postmodern furniture that has simple, geometric silhouette starts to dance with the classical aesthetics interior. The chemical reaction between the Neoclassical and Postmodern reveals striking differences and artistic harmony simultaneously. And here it is, the Grand Banks. A dawn blossom plucked at dusk, an old tale composed to a new song.