Hotel Indigo Jiuzhai
  • 城市 : 九寨沟   City : Jiuzhai Valley
  • 面积 : 23000㎡
  • 完成日期 : 2021-09-30    Completion Date : 2021-09-30
  • 设计师 : CCD香港郑中设计事务所   Designer : CCD/Cheng Chung Design (HK) Ltd.
  • 摄影 : 王厅   Photographer : SensoryDesign-WangTing
  • 事务所官方工作室名称 : CCD香港郑中设计事务所   Official Name : Cheng Chung Design (HK) Ltd.
  • 官网/公众号 :
Hotel Indigo Jiuzhai  九寨英迪格酒店
中查,藏语为“神鹰降落的地方”。酒店坐落于中查沟内全新的鲁能美丽汇小镇核心位置,设计师以「藏•藏」为主题,汲取祥巴、羌绣、牦牛、火塘等本地独有的藏族生活艺术形式,通过精巧的设计将藏族特有生活方式与英迪格邻里文化赋予了崭新的诠释。因此室内设计融入很多当地藏族元素,牦牛、神鹰等艺术品是当地典型文化元素的体现,具有不可替代的民族内聚力和认同感。 大堂的空间设计模仿了神鹰视角,神鹰越飞越高,大堂的挑高也越来越高,有一种越往里走越豁然开朗的感觉。酒店的前台隐藏在大火炉的右后侧,背景玻璃板上的神鹰翅膀,寥寥几笔着墨,却意境高深。藏羌元素满满的「火炉」是在地文化的一个重要体现,加上原木纯粹的材质、藏族的图腾,营造了一派大千。九幻吧(大堂吧),以藏族传统的火塘为原型做了现代的演绎与表达,重现藏房里大家围炉喝茶、围炉而话的生活感,呼应当地居民的传统生活场景。墙上泛着微微蓝色光芒的神鹰艺术品,设计灵感来源于神仙池的水,由几百张反映中查沟安多藏族的生活及文化照片拼成,还有神鹰的羽毛艺术品,设计中大量运用了神鹰图腾,向当地民族的信仰与历史致敬。
"Zhongcha" is a transliteration of its Tibetan name, which means "the place where the divine eagle flies down". The hotel is situated in the heart of the tourism complex Luneng BC in Zhongcha Valley. Taking "Tibetan Collection" as the theme, designer extracts unique elements from local lifestyle and art, such as woodcut print, Qiang embroidery, yak and fire pit, and meanwhile gives a new interpretation of Tibetan lifestyle and Indigo's concept of offering neighborhood experience through elaborate designs. The interior incorporated with many local Tibetan elements. Artworks in the form of yak and eagle showcase local typical cultural elements, carrying a sense of cohesion and identity of local ethnic people. The lobby simulates the viewing angle of the divine eagle. The higher the divine eagle flies, the higher the lobby's ceiling tends to be. As walking inside, the guests' view gradually broadens. The reception desk is hidden behind the right side of the fire pit. The wings of eagle on its glazing backdrop wall evoke infinite imagination. The fire pit featuring Tibetan and Qiang ethnic elements highlights the local culture. Pure wood combined with Tibetan totems reveals natural textures and produces a relaxing ambience. In the lobby bar, designer presents traditional Tibetan fire pit through modern expressions, to reproduce a life scene that people drink tea and chat around stove, which responds to the locals' traditional lifestyle. Various elements, such as the feathers of eagle, natural colors and textures, embody the rich, characteristic ethnic culture of local Tibetan and Qiang people. Totems of divine eagle are frequently used in the design, to pay tribute to local ethnic groups' belief and history.