Jinsuiyuan the house of Black&White Style
  • 城市 : 温州   City : Wenzhou
  • 面积 : 120㎡
  • 完成日期 : 2021-12-10    Completion Date : 2021-12-10
  • 设计师 : 缪茹   Designer : Ru Miao
  • 摄影 : 吴昌乐   Photographer : Changle Wu
  • 事务所官方工作室名称 : R'sYard缪茹空间设计   Official Name : R'sYard design
  • 官网/公众号 : R'sYard缪茹空间设计   Website/Official Accounts : R'sYard design
Jinsuiyuan the house of Black&White Style   金穗园黑白格调小宅
老宅,因时而变,也可破茧重生。本案是一个已经有20多年房龄的老居所,户型格局都已陈旧。但幸运的是,业主是一对对生活浪漫、随性的年轻夫妻,追求空间的舒展与自由,这,也留给我们打破常规的想象空间。 于是,我们将多余的隔墙拆除,立刻呈现了一个光线自然流淌,空间自由贯通的区域。入户即可见的一字型中岛让视觉自然延伸,房屋尺度得到了空前展现。 老宅的醇厚与活力并不矛盾,我们运用了对比强烈的黑白色调来表达“新生”,而没有刻意隐藏的承重柱和水泥漆横梁,又在大胆展现老房的原生张力。 房屋不大,但运用线条的延展与结构的比例释放了空间的纵深,并在有限的格局内尽量挖掘出收纳空间,让小家越住越大。
Old house changes according to time, and takes on a new look. This is an old residence of over 20 years old, with old-fashioned type and pattern. But fortunately, the owner is a romantic and casual young couple, pursuing stretched and unconstrained space. This also leaves us an imagination space of breaking the routine. As a result, we demolish the redundant partition wall to presents an area with free flowing light and free through space. The '——' style middle island seen as soon as entering the house allows the vision to extend naturally, and the size of the house is displayed unprecedentedly. Mellowness and vitality of the old house are not contradictory as we use the contrasting black and white tones to express the "new look", instead of deliberately hiding the load-bearing columns and cement painted beams, thus boldly showing original tension of the old house. The house is not big, but the proportion of line extension and structure is used to release the depth of space, and the storage space is excavated as much as possible in the limited pattern to make the small house bigger and bigger.