**China Resources Land, Wuxi** 无锡华润置地
本案位于城市核心地段,以复式户型为基础,将南洋风情注入现代居住空间。设计核心在于传承文化与现代实用性的交融,强调空间层次感与细节质感的打造。主色调选用深木色与复古绿色,辅以金属质感的点缀,营造出具有记忆的温暖氛围。 通过实景落地,我们成功再现设计之初的精髓,呈现出一个既复古又不失现代功能的艺术居所。此设计不仅是对南洋文化的致敬,也是探索设计创新边界的一次实践
This project is located in the heart of the city and is based on a duplex layout, infusing South Asian charm into a modern living space. The design focuses on blending cultural heritage with modern functionality, emphasizing spatial layering and refined details. The main color palette features deep wood tones and vintage green, accented by metallic elements, creating a warm, nostalgic atmosphere. Through realization, the project faithfully embodies its original concept, presenting a home that is both artistically vintage and functionally modern, honoring South Asian culture and pushing design innovation.