Andromeda Hotel
  • 城市 : 黄山市   City : HuangShan city
  • 面积 : 12000m²
  • 完成日期 : 2020-11-30    Completion Date : 2020-11-30
  • 设计师 : 谢银秋 龚海明   Designer : Xie Yinqiu ,Gong Haiming
  • 摄影 : Wen Studio
  • 官网/公众号 :
Andromeda Hotel  黄山太平湖安卓梅达酒店
安卓梅达(Andromeda),取意天上的仙女星座,朦胧而美好,遥远而明媚。酒店依偎着如拙朴之翠的太平湖,在松林的掩映下俨然物外之境。是一家集旅游、休闲、娱乐、商务、度假于一体的综合性酒店。依山造势,傍水取形,将传统与现代有机结合。 设谷没有让这座人工建筑叨扰了太平湖醉人的景致,反倒是安卓梅达以一种抱覆着地面的优雅姿态出现,让极简风格少了几分惯有的正襟危坐,更平添许多亲近意味。 在肆意生长的喧嚣之外,来到这里成了每个人的“归乡”。 安卓梅达用一种极具东方气质的谦逊收敛,回应着建筑何以与自然和谐之问题,几何结构空间的理性是对建筑的降噪,剥离繁复的留白是“无为,不争”的平和意境。整个酒店布局选用一步一景,采用抑扬顿挫的建筑手法,将大堂设计在树丛中,模糊建筑室内跟景观庭院之间的边界关系。 安卓梅达如一方供桌守护着太平湖的山水澄澈,也成为对设谷的“东方极简”设计哲学最为浪漫的诠释。 有如此得天独厚的自然环境,建筑、空间、室内、庭院景观,在满足功能需求的前提下,建筑尽量少说话,把景还给自然,让人融入到自然当中去。
Andromeda, which means the fairy constellation in the sky, is hazy and beautiful, distant and beautiful. The hotel nestles close to the Taiping Lake, which is as simple as green, and looks like a place out of things under the shade of pine forest. It is a comprehensive hotel integrating tourism, leisure, entertainment, business and vacation. Build momentum along the mountain, take shape near the water, and organically combine tradition and modernity. Shegu didn't let this artificial building disturb the intoxicating scenery of Taiping Lake. On the contrary, Andromeda appeared with an elegant attitude covering the ground, which made the minimalist style a little less serious and dangerous, and added a lot of intimacy. In addition to the noise of wanton growth, coming here has become everyone's "home". Andromeda responds to the problem of why architecture is harmonious with nature with a kind of humility and convergence with Oriental temperament. The rationality of geometric structure space is the noise reduction of architecture, and stripping the complex white space is the peaceful artistic conception of "inaction and indisputability". The whole hotel layout adopts step-by-step landscape, adopts the cadence of architectural techniques, designs the lobby in the trees, and blurs the boundary relationship between the building interior and the landscape courtyard. An Zhuo Meida, like a supply table, guards the clarity of the landscape of Taiping Lake, which has also become the most romantic interpretation of shegu's "Oriental Minimalism" design philosophy. With such a unique natural environment, architecture, space, interior and courtyard landscape, on the premise of meeting the functional needs, the architecture should talk as little as possible, return the scenery to nature and let people integrate into nature.