Reef Salon/Barbershop
Reef Salon/Barbershop
  • 城市 : 中国杭州   City : Hangzhou, China
  • 面积 : 180㎡   Area : 180sqm
  • 完成日期 : 2021-08-08    Completion Date : 2021-08-08
  • 设计师 : 张岩 单嘉男   Designer : Yan Zhang, Jianan Shan
  • 摄影 : 陈灏   Photographer : Hao Chen
  • 官网/公众号 : say architects
Reef Salon/Barbershop  Reef Salon/Barbershop
Reef是位于杭州市的美发沙龙与咖啡的集合空间。 设计中say希望创造一个自我生长成的空间。在外摆绿化区域的末端,店铺的入口前,是一颗多种石材相互交错形成的柱子,Reef的室内空间仿佛从这根柱子生长出来一样。网格式的外立面被柱子撑起悬挂于建筑外立面,模糊了室内空间形态。客人通过立面下方进入Reef,内部空间由白色,红色,黄色与蓝色的金属线条交织而成。一层为咖啡及男士barber, 咖啡区为贯穿两层的通高空间。站在咖啡区透过半透明的穿孔金属板可以看到店内丰富的多层次空间。通过咖啡吧台后面的楼梯,客人可以进入二楼的女士美发沙龙。Reef由各种充满手工感与肌理感的材料与元素构成,向客人传达一种有机,多层次的自我生长的空间感受。
Reef is a combination of a Salon, a barber and a Coffee shop. Say want to design a self-growing space for Reef. At the end of the exterior green area, by the store's entry, is a column made out of several different marbles. From this column, the interior space grows and form itself. The grid façade was held on top of the column while blurry the interior from exterior. Through the entry door, clients enter a web of a colourful steel frame. The ground floor is coffee and barber, and the coffee area is a double-height space. Standing in the coffee area, looking through the perforated metal plate, one could see the multiple layers in this space. The stair behind the coffee stand leads to the second floor, the female salon. Reef was formed with very hand-made texture and elements, sending a message of organic and self-growing to the clients.