Undefined Space
  • 城市 : HangZhou
  • 面积 : 180㎡
  • 完成日期 : 2021-09-09    Completion Date : 2021-09-09
  • 设计师 : 徐晶磊   Designer : Jinglei Xu
  • 摄影 : 叶松   Photographer : Song Ye
  • 事务所官方工作室名称 : 慢珊瑚设计   Official Name : slow coral design
  • 官网/公众号 : 慢珊瑚设计   Website/Official Accounts : slow coral design
Undefined Space  不被定义的空间
生活的自然纯粹,融入日常办公,营造充满魅力与趣味的空间,展现多元的会客思想,在这其中,思维更宽阔并能产生创作冲动。 The natural and pure life is integrated into the daily office, creating a space full of charm and interest, and showing a variety of ideas for meeting guests. Among them, the thinking is broader and can generate creative impulses. 赋予重复的生命力 Give life to repetition 停车场边上被遗忘的楼梯间,这里人群来往却总被忽略,我们选择这个不起眼的角落成为慢珊瑚的会客厅,保留其原有的空间结构,利用最简单的材质,留白的空间能够承载更多的想象与创造。 The forgotten stairwell next to the parking lot where the crowds are always neglected. We chose this inconspicuous corner to become the living room of Slow Coral, retaining its original spatial structure, using the simplest materials and leaving a blank space. Can carry more imagination and creation. 这是一个可以长时间停留并能够提供源源不断灵感的场所。这里常备鲜花·水果·美酒,邀请来做客的朋友,随意自由,大家聊聊任何热爱的事物,记录当下思维碰撞产生的多样灵感。 This is a place where you can stay for a long time and can provide a steady stream of inspiration. Flowers, fruits, and wine are always available here, and friends who come as guests are invited to chat freely, chat about anything you love, and record the diverse inspirations generated by the current collision of thoughts. 利用收集来的旧物·摆件·书籍·音乐·色彩...赋予它重复的生命力。 Use the collected old objects, ornaments, books, music, colors... to give it repeated vitality. 灵感跨越空间 Inspiration spans space 书籍·音乐·画作成为空间的灵魂。 纸张作为载体,思想变身为文字·图案·色彩·线条传达,成为灵感沙漠中的绿洲。像雨果所说,书籍是改造灵魂的工具,人类所需要的是富有启发性的养料,而阅读,正是这种养料。 Books, music and paintings become the soul of space. As a carrier, paper transforms ideas into words, patterns, colors and lines, and becomes an oasis in the desert of inspiration. As Hugo said, books are tools to transform the soul. What human beings need is enlightening nourishment, and reading is this nourishment. 空间是凝固的音乐,视觉语言与听觉语言的双重性,品味是私人产物,带有情绪与独特性,为每个不同时刻准备音乐。 Space is frozen music, the duality of visual language and auditory language, taste is a personal product, with emotion and uniqueness, and it is habitual to prepare music for each different moment. 除了艺术家作品之外,在不经意的角落间点缀着工作室小伙伴们的即兴创作,希望用自由的方式营造有温度的氛围。 In addition to the artist's works, there are inadvertent corners dotted with the improvisations of the studio partners, hoping to create a warm atmosphere in a free way. 未来的节奏 The rhythm of the future 永远不变的东西是变化,设计与时尚一样,具备引领性与时代性。将设计融于生活,它具有无限可能,与书籍一样,感受到不同的人生表达并产生共鸣。 空间需要更多的碰撞与分享来延伸未来的宽度,互相探索抓住未来每个人·事件·物品独有的韵律,相比设计的结果,我们更加追求它为何而来的魅力。 The thing that will never change is change. Design, like fashion, is leading and contemporary. Integrating design into life has infinite possibilities. Like books, different expressions of life can be felt and resonated. Space needs more collision and sharing to extend the width of the future, explore each other and capture the unique rhythm of each person, event, and object in the future. Compared with the result of design, we pursue the charm of why it comes from.
The natural and pure life is integrated into the daily office, creating a space full of charm and interest, and showing a variety of ideas for meeting guests. Among them, the thinking is broader and can generate creative impulses. The forgotten stairwell next to the parking lot where the crowds are always neglected. We chose this inconspicuous corner to become the living room of Slow Coral, retaining its original spatial structure, using the simplest materials and leaving a blank space. Can carry more imagination and creation. This is a place where you can stay for a long time and can provide a steady stream of inspiration. Flowers, fruits, and wine are always available here, and friends who come as guests are invited to chat freely, chat about anything you love, and record the diverse inspirations generated by the current collision of thoughts. Use the collected old objects, ornaments, books, music, colors... to give it repeated vitality. Inspiration spans space Books, music and paintings become the soul of space. As a carrier, paper transforms ideas into words, patterns, colors and lines, and becomes an oasis in the desert of inspiration. As Hugo said, books are tools to transform the soul. What human beings need is enlightening nourishment, and reading is this nourishment. Space is frozen music, the duality of visual language and auditory language, taste is a personal product, with emotion and uniqueness, and it is habitual to prepare music for each different moment. In addition to the artist's works, there are inadvertent corners dotted with the improvisations of the studio partners, hoping to create a warm atmosphere in a free way. The rhythm of the future The thing that will never change is change. Design, like fashion, is leading and contemporary. Integrating design into life has infinite possibilities. Like books, different expressions of life can be felt and resonated. Space needs more collision and sharing to extend the width of the future, explore each other and capture the unique rhythm of each person, event, and object in the future. Compared with the result of design, we pursue the charm of why it comes from.