Tower Shadow Gallery
  • 城市 : 上海   City : SHANGHAI
  • 面积 : 3114
  • 完成日期 : 2023-01-31    Completion Date : 2023-01-31
  • 设计师 : 顾忆   Designer : Jacques
  • 摄影 : 肆月   Photographer : SIYUE
  • 事务所官方工作室名称 : 上海無设建筑设计事务所   Official Name : Shanghai Nastudio Architectural Design Office
  • 官网/公众号 : 无设建筑   Website/Official Accounts : Nastudio
Tower Shadow Gallery  塔影美术馆
塔影,可能是上海最安静的角落 龙华寺的敬肃平和,让人断进一切烦恼。我们在那里做了一个纯粹的精神空间,可以听见内心的声音,看见时间的影子,照见万物的实性。 塔影,一处隐没于城市地平线下的美学空间,这里集合了建筑、艺术、冥想、茶、咖啡等。 空间的前身是人防工程,此次改造作为公共艺术空间以及展览使用。我们希望通过这个城市微更新为该区域创造出一个特别的节点,安静又治愈的场所。 入口低调且简单,隐藏于景观亭内的旋转楼梯将人引入内部的空间。我们保留了原建筑的主体结构,重新梳理人流动线,将重心放在了新立面系统的构建。塔影核心区域为空间赋予了强大的存在感,镜面水景下的矩形透光玻璃,于四时的变化中在空间刻画出痕迹,风、雨、日出、日落、华灯初上带来的不定式皆给予参与空间的人莫大的惊喜。光的行为改变着原始空间与环境的关系,围合感的结构象征凝聚自然的禅与能量,导向物质世界与精神世界之间的联系。 建筑的留白与自然的光线赋予塔影外在的气质,也是空间的外向拓展。我们用尽少的设计干预,为场所之创造出无数变量。比如冥想、看书、喝茶,喝咖啡,或者只是随意的四处走走。 塔影并不是一间在有限空间内定性的禅性场所。相反,通过利用引入的光使它拥抱了“转变”的可能性。
"Tower Shadow": Perhaps the Quietest Nook in Shanghai The solemn tranquility of Longhua Temple offers a sanctuary from life's disturbances. Within its embrace, we have carved out an ethereal realm, where one can tune into the whispers of the soul, witness the passage of time, and perceive the essence of existence. "Tower Shadow" is a hidden aesthetic haven beneath the city's skyline, amalgamating architecture, art, meditation, tea, and coffee. Previously an air-raid shelter, its transformation has resulted in a space dedicated to public art and exhibitions. Through this urban micro-renovation, our aspiration was to craft a unique, restorative enclave for the community. The entrance, discreet and unassuming, is tucked away within a landscaped pavilion, with a spiral staircase drawing visitors into the heart of the space. While preserving the mainframe of the original architecture, we’ve recalibrated the flow of movement and emphasized the construction of a new façade system. At the core of "Tower Shadow", a rectangular translucent glass panel set above a mirrored waterscape leaves its mark through the seasonal shifts, registering the traces of wind, rain, sunrise, sunset, and the first flicker of evening lights. These myriad light spectacles redefine the relationship between the space and its surroundings, where the enveloping structure symbolizes the confluence of Zen and elemental energy, bridging the material and spiritual realms. The architectural negative space, complemented by nature's luminescence, grants "Tower Shadow" its distinct temperament and outward expansion. With minimalistic design interventions, we've woven in a plethora of possibilities — whether for meditation, reading, savoring tea or coffee, or simply wandering. "Tower Shadow" isn’t just a designated Zen space confined within its boundaries. Instead, by harnessing the introduced illumination, it embodies the potential of metamorphosis.